Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Another winter. Another year.

What happened to time?

No matter. It's now now, so now's all that really matters.

Yesterday is a thing of the past--it cannot and will not be changed, so the best we can do is learn something from it, love it, and let it go.

It is time to look ahead.

It is time to press forward.

Lift your chin. Say a prayer. Smile. Practice what you preach. And for Heaven's sake, remember.

Remember the things worth remembering.

Remember the honorable, pure, lovely, holy and true things.

Remember the guidelines.

Remember the grace.

Remember who you are, Whose you are, and where you're going.

Remember what you've conquered.

Remember to remember.

Remember Him.

Remember His promises.

This is not over--every day, every now, it is only beginning.

Remember the good. The important. The promised.

And if you remember one thing, remember this:

Egerthe! He is risen! Do not despair. Be of good courage! He is coming again, coming soon, so remember to speak up and to reach out. Better days are on the way and death is not the victor. The devil will not win! he will not triumph! Technically speaking, he is already defeated.

Lay claim to the promises, lay claim to hope.



Let your heart beat in peace.

Egerthe, remember.

He is risen.

Time for you to rise up as well.

​--Emily 🍂

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