Tuesday, March 24, 2020

- beauty in the uncertainty -

u n c e r t a i n t y .

--not very thrilling.

we despise uncertainty.

we despise the waiting, the wondering, the wandering...

--waiting for the test results. waiting for the big break. waiting for the text, the letter, the sign, the gift, the paycheck, the phone call, the visit, the breakthrough.

--wondering what will happen. wondering if the offer will come through, if the money will appear, if the problem will be solved, if things will work out okay, if she'll say yes, if he'll stay, if anything will ever go back to normal.

--wandering through the valley. wandering through the pit of desapir, wandering down the highway, wandering from city to city, wandering hospital halls, wandering the lonely Internet.

it is in times of uncertainty when everything is suddenly up in the air.

we are lost.

we are clueless.

we are in utter despair.

and i am no different.
i loathe uncertainty.
i cannot stand it.
i, rather, prefer to hold the reigns, prefer to be in a bit of control.
i like to direct the sails.
i like to chart the course.

but... maybe there is a little bit of beauty in the uncertainty...

a little bit of wonder.
of hope.
of glory.

maybe there is something entirely freeing of surrendering control...
something magical, almost, of freefalling...

...right into the arms of a merciful Savior.

and, in the middle of uncertainty, that is often what we are forced--or blessed?--to do.


so when next you find yourself in the dumps, the valley, the questioning, the waiting room, the pain, the funeral home, the waiting, wondering, or wandering--

take a moment to look
for the beauty
in the midst
of the uncertainty.
you'll find a glorious Savior
to meet you there. 🍀💚

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Song lyrics to remember

Your heartbeat
Is drumming in your ears
Which way's it gonna fall?
You're hopeless
Your peace has disappeared
With your back against the wall...
And I can't promise you that
I know all the answers
But I know the One Who does...
You are not alone
Keep your chin up, soldier
You're almost home!
(Potential song lyrics. Posting to remember. Will delete later.)

thoughts on Mondays (on a Saturday evening) - Soli Deo Gloria

       I like Mondays, actually, currently.      (And that’s saying something, because I have regrettably turned into the kind of person who...