Saturday, May 4, 2024

thoughts on Mondays (on a Saturday evening) - Soli Deo Gloria

     I like Mondays, actually, currently.

    (And that’s saying something, because I have regrettably turned into the kind of person who quite rather absolutely detests Mondays, and mornings, et cetera, with a passion.)

    But, currently, I like Mondays. (And I am slowly warming to mornings.)

    Mondays mean working my part-time farm job from 2-6 pm.

    I love my farm job. I feed calves.

    I love them. They are so cute.

    Calves are perfect for a girl like me - they’re alive, they’re interactive, they’re cuddly and friendly -- but they don’t judge, they don’t yammer on in conversation, they don’t say things I don’t like or ask me questions I can’t answer.

    They’re alive, but they’re not human.

    It works okay for me that way.

    Granted, I work with another girl to feed them, and we talk. She’s nice. I like her too. She does most of the talking and I do most of the listening, but I think that works okay for us.

    I like Mondays lately.

    Work at 2 means I can sleep in a little. I’m trying to get up earlier anyway - especially since my other part-time job requires a 5:30 am wakeup - but it’s nice, even if I do get up pretty early, not to have to rush to go anywhere right away.

    On Mondays I get up and read my Bible and pray… and I’m still working to nail down a schedule for the in-between hours before I go to work, but usually it’s a bit of housework, maybe some reading, writing, music-listening… tending to my mini pony, maybe going on a run… catching up on laundry… prepping for teaching Sunday School… and, finally, getting ready for work, eating lunch, swinging by my Grandpa’s place to chat for a bit, and then heading off to the farm.

    It’s a 10-15 minute drive. (Not quite 10, not quite 15.) I listen and/or sing along to whatever CD is currently in my car’s CD player -- Owl City’s “The Midsummer Station” right now; before that, “Ocean Eyes” also by OC, and “All That is Within Me” by MercyMe, and “Past the Edges” by Chris Rice, and “Amusing” also by CR. I need - NEED - to get one of the 5 Bebo Norman CDs I own in there soon. (Bebo Norman is my FAVORITE.)

    My car’s AC doesn’t work, so as the weather warms up for late spring now, I usually put the windows down somewhat, and turn the music up a little louder. It doesn’t get much more Americana-summer-esque than that, does it?

    When I get to the farm, I navigate my car between whatever farm machinery might happen to be in the way, park where I usually do, gather my things, clock in, then enter the barn, pop in one wireless earbud, boot up my Spotify playlist (current fave: a mix of Bebo Norman, Owl City, Switchfoot, Fernando Ortega, a little country, and a whole lot of early 2000s CCM), and get to work.

    While I work, I listen to aforementioned lovely music. And while I do that, I dream a little.

    I have to be careful with my dreaming. I have to keep myself in check. Which is way totally absolutely easier said than done.

    I try to focus on what I am physically doing. Fill this bucket. Pick it up, feel the weight. Walk over here, dump this, sweep that, rub this calf’s snout, pat that one on the head, check this one’s bucket of grain - ope, more grain - fill the grain bucket, heft it back to the calves, pour a little - not too much - ope, that’s too much - into the buckets, check their bedding, fill the wheelbarrow with sawdust, shovel sawdust into stalls, put wheelbarrow away, what was I doing again?... oh right, dreaming… nope, back to the calves… what song is this?... what next?...

    I try to focus on what I am physically doing.

    I try to focus on God.

    This second one’s way harder for me to achieve.

    I’m so earthly-minded, so self-centered, so - yes, I’ll admit it - lazy, selfish, proud, vain.

    I set my mind and heart and attention on lesser things, earthly things, fleshly things… I order my world to give it the best chance of revolving around - who else? - moi. Yours truly.

    “Yours truly” -- haha.

    Truth is hard for me to come by these days.

    Well no, not really. I know the truth. I ingest it every day - in the Bible, in theological and/or Scripture quotes on social media, in the Christian songs I listen to, in the (few) conversations I have…

    I come across a whole bunch of truth.

    But also a whole bunch of lies.

    And I’m not diligent enough, or confident enough, to always - or consistently - or responsibly - discern the truth vs. lies in my daily life.

    --Add to all of this the fact(s) that I am a young adult really just learning how on earth to live life, with a high school diploma and 2 years of college (no more, no less) under my belt, plus a whole bunch of uncertainty, cluelessness, starry-eyed fantasies, a bit too much self-interest, and all the mental/emotional inhibition of a hopeless romantic (which ain’t much).

    I’ve found that I love playing the victim, too. (Ouch.) I have become a top-rated heavyweight mental prizefighter over the years, proficient and extremely successful at beating myself up - unnecessarily. (Just like worrying - beating oneself up is entirely unnecessary.)

    I’ve found that I am way too loathe to own up, take responsibility for my actions, exercise some self-control and maturity and responsibility and dying-to-self-ity, and glorify God. Honor Christ. Turn to Him, cast my gaze (and my cares) upon Him, prize and cherish Him above all else, find my comfort & worth & identity & joy in HIM. No one else. Nothing else.





    I like Mondays lately.

    My identity is (secure) in Christ.

    God has equipped me with all that I need to live for Him.

    I have a responsibility and a purpose to fulfill!

    There is (much) work to do!

    It is up to me to make God-glorifying choices - every day all over again - which will gradually form habits, which will pretty well determine how I live my life.

    How do I live my life? -- I answer that question with another question:

    How would God have me live my life?

    -- There’s my answer. There’s the roadmap.

    It’s not easy, but it is simple: glorify God. Die to self. Live for Christ.

    Know God’s love personally, love God, and love others.

    All of life for the glory of God.

    Every Monday (liked or not), every calf fed, every bucket hefted, every word spoken, every mile driven, every song sung, every relationship nurtured, every job done, every hour volunteered, every dream dreamed…..


    For the glory

    Of God.

    Simple as that. 💚✝

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