Friday, August 11, 2017

A Rock in a hard place

Lovely words, aren't they?
Of course not.
Who likes feeling pain, or being hurt, or experiencing weariness?
But they will come.
You will fall.
Encouraging, right?
What IS encouraging is that you will fall but you will get back up.
And you will ALWAYS get back up.
You will just never get up on your own.
The Lord will be your support, your Rock, your go-to help for getting back up.
He is ALWAYS there to help you stand up straight again.
Don't believe it? It's easy not to. But those tough patches of doubt and pain are so small and trivial compared to what's awaiting you.
Yes, you will fall. But you will always, always, ALWAYS get back up.
The Lord is, after all, your Rock and your Redeemer. 🌿

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