Friday, August 11, 2017

A Rock in a hard place

Lovely words, aren't they?
Of course not.
Who likes feeling pain, or being hurt, or experiencing weariness?
But they will come.
You will fall.
Encouraging, right?
What IS encouraging is that you will fall but you will get back up.
And you will ALWAYS get back up.
You will just never get up on your own.
The Lord will be your support, your Rock, your go-to help for getting back up.
He is ALWAYS there to help you stand up straight again.
Don't believe it? It's easy not to. But those tough patches of doubt and pain are so small and trivial compared to what's awaiting you.
Yes, you will fall. But you will always, always, ALWAYS get back up.
The Lord is, after all, your Rock and your Redeemer. 🌿

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Not here to be happy

A word the world dreams of having and holding and keeping forever.
Ah, a nice word. Very nice.
But is it possible? Humanly possible?
Happiness. Have we ever achieved it? Some claim this very thing. But have they really had it?
No. Not true happiness. Humans are forever trying to grasp that slippery emotion, trying to feel its sweet comfort. But they can't- not without God.
Happiness, truly, is of God. We can find it, yes, but only in Him.
Sometimes it seems like happiness- what's happiness???- doesn't exist. Sometimes we are drowning in sorrow, anger, hurt, anything and everything but happiness. We stumble, we cry, we're hard-pressed to get back up. It's hard. It's horrible. It's not happy.
We tend to drop our heads and lose our faith and generally assume the world is absolutely over, when happiness hides itself from us.
Because- we want to be happy.
And nothing is wrong with being, or wanting to be, happy. But when we take the extremes to create a fake, sickly-sweet shell of what we think seems like happiness, then we are stuck, caught in our own trap.
But when we try innocently and honestly to be happy and fail, we get so low it's a wonder we ever get back up.
And then we turn to God.
He is always there. He has always been there. He always will be there.
We aren't here to be happy, no sirree.
We are here to spread the Word, and to be a blessing for life, and to fulfill God's purpose for our lives.
If happiness doesn't come, so be it.
We aren't, after all, here to be happy. 🌿

Lost & Found, Grandpa & God

 I lost my ring last night. I will replace it if I can. Otherwise, I will survive. I lost my Grandpa 2 months ago. Him I cannot replace. I w...