Saturday, September 7, 2019

Let it Live

On abortion:
That "thing" you are killing is a LIFE.
It - no matter how old - is a BABY.
It has a purpose.
It was created and made with intention.
It is not an accident.
It is destined for great things.
It is ALIVE!
It had a purpose before it had a heartbeat.
It was designed and created and given a life that is no one's to destroy.
When you abort a baby, you murder it.
But you don't just kill the baby.
You kill its future, its purpose, its dreams, its destiny, and all the glorious things it had in store.
You kill a sibling, a friend, a child, a student, a scholar, a lawyer, a teacher, a marine, a pastor,
a doctor, an entrepreneur, a president, a scientist, an author, a celebrity, a musician, an artist,
a farmer, a human.
By aborting a baby, you're aborting an entire beautiful melodrama of a life -- very close to the
one you yourself are living.
That baby you're aborting is you. It's me. It's your President, your boss, your best friend, your
teacher, your favorite celebrity.
Maybe you made a wrong decision.
Maybe a wrong decision made off with you.
But no matter how that baby got there, it is not yours to exterminate. It was placed there with
purpose and stamped with intention.
Let it alone.
Let it live. 💚

Keep On

Failure is not defeat.
It is not fatal.
Failure is the falling down;
Defeat is the staying down;
Victory is the getting back up.
Everybody falls down--
I fall down.
You fall down.
Miss America falls down.
The President falls down.
We all do.
Some of us stay down;
Some of us get back up.
Who will YOU be?
Will you stay down when everyone else is getting up?
Will you get up when everyone else is staying down?
The priority here is that YOU simply get back up.
But after you've made it -- and you WILL make it, my friend -- don't just stay safely up on your mountain peak.
Go back.
Go back down to the valley, plant your feet, and help others get up.
You don't have to fall down to help the fallen.
You can still reach to them from your stance on higher ground.
So don't be afraid to fall down, friend.
It will happen.
It happens to all of us.
And you can't always control whether or not you fall, but the one thing you CAN control is how you respond.
Don't be scared.
Don't be discouraged.
Get back up and keep on climbing. 🍂

Lost & Found, Grandpa & God

 I lost my ring last night. I will replace it if I can. Otherwise, I will survive. I lost my Grandpa 2 months ago. Him I cannot replace. I w...